When making your website, it’s important to have good content. Not just for SEO but for people to actually read. I’m amazed at how many articles and sites look like they were made by a machine. Random content, keywords, more not important content, keywords. It’s like website owners forgot that other people are going to actually read the website. Recently several top business writers were asked for help to make good web content. We were lucky enough to find the list and share it with you.
- Use real words. Is your website, blog, article, or newsletter stuffed with over-the-top action words like cutting-edge, amazing, impact, awesome, etc.? You might be able to get away with one or two long content, but too many big action words will make your content seem unrealistic and not taken seriously. Leave the buzzwords for Facebook posts and keep your website professional.
- Don’t create words.
A lot of website owners started adding things to the end of words to make them seem more trendy. Things like -ize -ability -istic is fine to use in real life but in web content again this will make your site look unprofessional.
- Use a confident demeanor.
Passive text can come off as boring and not engaging. When writing content pretend you are the top professional for your field and pass on important information.
- Use more descriptive verbs.
Rather than getting the sentence done quickly or in-your-face type, think more of painting a picture for the reader so they can relate more to it in real life.
- Lose adverbs unless it’s needed to describe something.
Book writer Stephen King said the road to hell is paved with adverbs. So unless you really need to add one try to leave it out.
- Don’t use too many cliché’s.
Too many clichés can give a cheeky attitude vibe or even worse, you can sound like everyone else.
- Don’t use more words just to make more content.
People decide if they stay on site in the first couple of
seconds. If you have a ton of wordy content you might lose them. after you aredone writing your content go over and remove anything that is not needed.
- It’s o.k. to break some rules some of the time.
We all remember to not start a sentence with but, and, or because. Grammar is very important, but being able to read and understand your message clearly takes precedence.
So to sum all this up quickly.
Don’t be cliché, don’t use adverbs, don’t add bloated content, don’t create words, paint a picture with your story, and don’t be afraid to bend the rules a little if it helps the story.