Whitelisting (soon to be known as Allow lists) your email will help it get through a lot of false-positive errors big spam blocking services tend to have. Some might think these spam services do this on purpose, so you pay for the white list. I’m not saying that. Either way, if your email is crucial,…
Category: Websites
Ever wanted to link to a certain part of a web page?
This is called an anchor text and is really easy to add. Linking to anchors is a lot like normal links. Normal links always point to the top of a page. Anchor links point to a place on a page. A # symbol goes in front of a link location and specifies that the link…
How to move your website to a new host
We get a lot of customers who have accounts at other hosts and want to move over to Web Host Pro. In most cases they have cPanel, so it’s best to just throw in a ticket with your FTP information, and we can do a root-level move for you. This grabs everything and is very…
What is phishing?
Phishing is the practice of defrauding/tricking users into giving up their usernames, passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information. Phishing emails will often try to get you to click on links that take you to fake websites; they often pretend to be from organizations such as a bank or a service that requires your log…
Transferring a domain can be tricky, these 5 steps will help.
The transfer process is pretty easy but needs to be followed exactly. Most failures are from the domain not being locked, next is from the email on file with the old registration not being current. Sometimes the code changes too so if you have a code and it’s been a day or two make sure you…
The big three web apps! (2015)
There are literally tens of thousands and maybe even hundreds of thousands of active scripts and apps out there that people use on websites. Scripts and apps mean the same thing. Basically, the term “apps” is taking over the older term “scripts” for this. With all these options to choose from, there are actually only…
It’s the official Back Up Day!
That’s right, there is a holiday now (not national yet), to remind us to do a full back up of any important data. In your CPanel there is a back up wizard that allows you to back up everything and download it to your computer for safe keeping. Make sure and do this often but…
Your home page vibe
Your home page is so important to every aspect on your business. It sets the vibe and image for how the world sees you. Are you serious, fun, simple, modern, classic, ect, ect. For example ours is about being simple and comfortable. We want our customers to feel good about trying something they might feel worried…