Is your SEO ranking lowering for what seems like no reason? Here is a quick check to see if the top reasons Google is lowering your rank may be effecting you. Make sure none of these are effecting your site by searching for your links in Google like this: The 7 SEO top Issues…
Category: Websites
PHP Magic Quotes officially discontinued.
Magic Quotes (which is a feature of PHP, not Apache) is no longer considered good practice, as it introduces some security problems. This feature is deprecated in PHP 5.3, and removed entirely from PHP 5.4 and later. For versions of PHP that do support it, it can only be enabled or disabled at the system…
Easy Site Builder Upgrades
Our new Easy Site Builder upgrade 5.2 will be live within the next month, elevating your website building to be a more responsive website building experience. Major enhancements include Highly Responsive Features, Modernized UI, Streamlined Workflow, and a Sophisticated New Master Layout Template, all of which are elevated up to the next level of website…
Who Hosts My Website?
Here is how to find your Web Hosting Provider 1. The best way to find the company hosting your website is to find out who you are paying. You may want to search through your email for keywords such as “nameserver,” “hosting,” “host,” “account,” and “payment” to locate any email you received from your hosting company….
How to build a paid membership section based website
Thanks for stopping by, today I wanted to get through the basic steps to get a paid membership-based website going quickly. First, I will assume you have web hosting with or another cPanel-based web hosting service, a registered domain name, and you do not want to spend any more money at this time. The…
.htaccess info, tricks, and tips
htaccess Tips and Tricks (This is an older article and some options might not still be relevant) After many frustrating months of learning how to protect my website, I decided to help some other webmasters out as well. There’s really only one reason we need to worry about this stuff: People like to steal. Every…
What is a Dedicated Server?
A dedicated hosting service, dedicated server, or managed hosting service is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone else. This is more flexible than shared hosting, as organizations have full control over the server(s), including choice of operating system, hardware, etc. There is also another…
What is a Website?
A website, also written as a website, website, or simply site, is a set of related web pages served from a single web domain. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a…