The first step in filtering your site’s content is to add a meta tag in the header. here are the most common meta tags that can be used to let search engines know your content rating: For adult websites, you should add this meta tag in your header: <META NAME=”Voluntary Content Rating” CONTENT=”adult”> For another…
Category: Websites
Do you blog poll? (finished)
Do you blog? Choice # of Votes Percent of Votes I run my own blog on my website 104 22.13 I have one with a blog service website 43 9.43 I have a microblog like Twitter 31 4.51 I have too many to list 38 7.38 No I don’t 225…
WordPress load control – Is WordPress using too much load?
We have a current updated version of this page here: Optimize WordPress As we all know WordPress can use too much load. Basically, any PHP script can depending on how it is running. After years of running our own blogs and helping people run theirs, we have found some solid ways to help WordPress run…
Google accounts for 6.4 percent of internet traffic
The internet is growing fast, but Google is growing even faster. According to online security company Arbor Networks, Google now represents an average of 6.4 percent of all internet traffic. This is a new record for Google, as it gained more than 1 percent of all internet traffic share since January. Now, only one global…
HTML 5 will change the web
Many folks who are just tuning into the HTML5 saga because of the battle between Adobe and Apple are surprised to learn that the push to create a fifth official version of the HTML specification began six years ago. And that’s just the first half of the story because the latest implementations, while nice, are…
Easily Add Videos to Your WordPress Blogs
With the online video industry taking off, you may want to know some easy ways to add video to your WordPress sites. There are several great WordPress plugins for adding video content to your blogs. In this guide I’ll go over: * Adding your own hosted .flv videos to WordPress* How to embed videos from…
HTML5 Knocks Out Adobe Flash in Reader Vote
A few weeks ago, tensions between Adobe and Apple rose to all-time highs after Apple prominently left Flash off of the iPad. A lashing by Steve Jobs, calling Adobe lazy and Flash buggy, didn’t help matters at all. The problem: Apple believes that Flash shouldn’t be part of the web’s future. Instead, the company believes…
Flash hurts your SEO
We have all seen amazing sites using Flash throughout. As humans, we can appreciate these sites for what they are and often find them compelling and professional. But the simple fact is that a search engine spider cannot read the content of a Flash website. Before you put a flash site up, look at the…