Thanks for stopping by, today I wanted to get through the basic steps to get a paid membership-based website going quickly. First, I will assume you have web hosting with or another cPanel-based web hosting service, a registered domain name, and you do not want to spend any more money at this time. The…
Category: WordPress
Want a faster loading website?
Here are some not-so-common tricks to speed things up! They are pretty easy and we can even do them for our customers anytime for free. Keep in mind a faster site means happier customers and better Google ranks! 1. Remove your email!My god, sometimes we will see 5k to 300k emails in an inbox that…
Speed up your website!
Speed is so important for your website. More and more search engines are seeing how important it is for a fast reliable web page. Google was the first to give you a higher ranking just for loading your website fast! Here are some of the top reasons you might have a slow site and get…
Script Center Upgrade
We just made a major upgrade with our Script Center. We now have a cleaner and easier to use interface and most important more scripts and apps! Any or all of these web applications can be added to your website, including multiple installs of each. web application -noun 1. Software designed to manage, enhance, or…
Turning off smiley faces in wordpress posts
This is just a very quick tip for your WordPress blog. One of the most annoying things about WordPress’s default settings is the fact that What’s a smiley, you say? When you put characters together like a colon and a closing parenthesis, WordPress replaces the text with a little yellow smiley face. How cute. The…
Change the logo in wordpress theme twenty eleven
We have discussed how to customize wordpress twenty ten in our previous posts. We also gave a detailed instructions about how to add logo and banner to your wordpress twenty ten theme. Since Twenty eleven is the updated version of twenty ten ( of course not exactly ) with its cool features like adjustable colors,…
Do you blog poll? (finished)
Do you blog? Choice # of Votes Percent of Votes I run my own blog on my website 104 22.13 I have one with a blog service website 43 9.43 I have a microblog like Twitter 31 4.51 I have too many to list 38 7.38 No I don’t 225…
WordPress load control – Is WordPress using too much load?
We have a current updated version of this page here: Optimize WordPress As we all know WordPress can use too much load. Basically, any PHP script can depending on how it is running. After years of running our own blogs and helping people run theirs, we have found some solid ways to help WordPress run…