I’ll sum it up quickly and go into the details after. First Google (who’s still the king of why we SEO) says “Helpful content is written by people, for people”. I’m pretty sure this was in response to all the new AI SEO services popping up everywhere. So you would think AI is not going to help or worse have negative SEO. Well, it’s not exactly that simple. Google is actually doubling down on content made by humans by adding a new more advanced system that tries to identify AI-made or spun articles to downrate it. This means they will probably be good at it. This means not just AI content but SEO-driven content can also get flagged. From these two recent quotes from Google, it’s safe to say that your content is best written by a person with lots of human-like tones. We all have different writing styles, and I have a feeling Google will be able to pick apart and downvote your articles that are robotic in time.
With that said AI still might have a place in your marketing efforts
- You can start the article off with AI and then rewrite it with your own words. Basically, you would get the idea and some notes and then write a new article from scratch. There are human nuances that are important to have a human feel. You can’t teach AI these and you likely won’t realize you have them until they’re written.
- AI video might be OK for now. Since video uses subtitles, music, and scores. Google can’t tell if the video is made by humans. After all, adding subtitles, especially with text to voice is making the video robotic. There are no signs that Google frowns on this, and there are millions of high-ranked videos that use text-to-speech.
- AI can help make quality business and people profiles (ICP Ideal Customer Profiles). By using your client information (privately) you can have AI build you the ideal business/customer profile. This will help you target your ads better and hopefully get your ROI boosted up.
- AI images might be OK for now as well. Google hates seeing the same images used over and over. Like from the Google images search. If you don’t want to pay money for a semi-original image, try an AI image. It’s 100% original and the technology just took off to new levels that make pretty good images. https://www.craiyon.com/ seems to be leading the way for this (Sadly, they have a million ads) and most images have a weird blur still.
AI should especially not be use for reviews. Not only will this hurt your business’s reputation, Google will Indiana Jones whip you for it.

Here are five tips for writing human content that Google will love
- Make each sentence matter.
- Present your product in a new way.
- Make it easy to read, like really easy.
- Use grammar tools, spell check, and maybe even a thesaurus.
- Provide proof if possible.
All in all, AI can be very helpful, but any dreams of automating your SEO with it, are still well….
just dreams.