PHP is now on version 7.3 with 7.4 coming around the corner in November of 2019. 7.0 has been the shining light that kept PHP alive. Several alternatives threatened to make PHP 5.6 obsolete and with version 6 being skipped these alternatives almost did. But PHP came back strong with version 7. Improving virtually every…
5 Quick Ways to Improve WordPress For Better User Experience
Everyone wants their website to be popular, but there’s tons of competition among WordPress sites. Considered the most popular content management system (CMS) on the planet, it now runs 34% of the entire internet and has over half of the CMS market. So, how do you make your website stand out from the crowd? The obvious answer…
How to manage hot linking on your website
Hotlinking can be a big issue if you have high-definition images or videos. Without Hot Link protection, the content can be shown on other websites burning through your bandwidth and hiding where it is from so you don’t even get credit for it. This also can be an issue with your content being used at…
5 Tips to Market the Content of Your Website Successfully
Whether you’ve just started out with content marketing or have been producing content online for some time, your strategy should be as economical and effective as possible. Your business needs to attract the attention of people searching online for products and services, and the stakes are high. According to recent figures, more than 4 million…
Phone camera or stand alone?
Even though having a good camera on your phone is very convenient, upgrading to a nice stand alone might be worth it. There is many stand alone camera options like the infamous DSLR with that beautiful background blur and the simple point and shoot models that do everything on it’s own. With so many other…
WordPress finally bumps up security in version 5.2
WordPress is a great way to build a website. So great about a third of the Internet uses it now! Unfortunately though it is also not the most secure way, actually not by far. In the latest version 5.2 WordPress finally starts to address much needed security issues. We just hope this is the first…
Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: What’s The Difference?
Web hosting is one of the core components of your digital arsenal, since it is where you store all the files needed for visitors to access your site. However, due to the various needs that websites have, not all web hosting is the same. Because of this, web hosts offer various types of plans which…
MySQL 5.5 is officially dying this week
cPanel announced yesterday that it will block all updates to the server if it still uses MySQL 5.5. This means if you have been putting off upgrading your MySQL server wide, now is the time to do it. Not getting updates mean security and performance issues will soon follow. If you have a password warning…