On Thursday, the internet as we know it ran out of space. The nonprofit group that assigns addresses to service providers announced that, on Thursday morning, it allocated the last free internet addresses available from the current pool used for most of the internet’s history. “This is a historic day in the history of the…
Easy SSL security
DWHS offers a full-service SSL installation process for our customers. To get SSL now, all you have to do is pay a one-time fee of $40, and we will take care of the rest. Once you pay via PayPal or the card on file with us, you then just fill out this simple form. Keep…
We’ll be phasing out Fantastico and using our new Scripts Installer
Some servers will already show the new script installer. It has more scripts, live demos, and installs scripts with one click. We will be removing Fantastico and replacing it with the new Script Installer over the next couple of months.
Donating old computers
As technology changes and trust us we know how fast it does. What to do with old hardware or to keep using it is a common question for web hosting companies. At one point we did calculate the risk vs reward of running older hardware, this was about 9 years ago (2005). It was one…
New desktop background to get you motivated
Changing the background on a Windows PC is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you can follow: Remember, the exact steps can vary slightly depending on the version of Windows you are using, but the general process remains the same.
Website Content Filtering
The first step in filtering your site’s content is to add a meta tag in the header. here are the most common meta tags that can be used to let search engines know your content rating: For adult websites, you should add this meta tag in your header: <META NAME=”Voluntary Content Rating” CONTENT=”adult”> For another…
Who would use the Google Chrome OS?
If you use the Internet, chances are you know about Google (if not, get out from under your rock!). From its search engine giant status to the release of its Android operating system for smartphones, Google has invested much into today’s technology. Add in their online Office suite, affectionately known as “Google Docs”, their extremely…
DWHS adds a new, faster backup network to their fiber blend.
Today 12-02-2010, DWHS will be implementing a new faster backup network to their fiber blend. DWHS should have about an overall %5 increase in speed. DWHS says, “Our mission is clear, we want to be the fastest host available. This upgrade today is the next step in the towards our goal.”